現代画家 桜井智
Born in Nagano Prefecture. Lives and works in Tokyo. Since her teenage years, she has balanced her body and mind by drawing, and calls her own expression “artistic excretion". The technique is a fusion of Western and Eastern art, focusing on achromatic colors in pursuit of contrast. Her production philosophy is to make the viewer aware of the golden mean.
In 2022, she exhibited at the Carrousel du Louvre (France), where she presented conceptual art that combines the upcycling of bamboo and mourning dress with contemporary art. She has exhibited in museums and public places in Japan and abroad.
Main Exhibitions
2024 Schrodinger's curtain, Tokyo International Gallery, TERRADA ART COMPLEXII,Tokyo, Japan
2022 Y=(0.298912*R+0.586611*G+0.114478*B), Tokyu Plaza Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2020 MONOCHROME 2020 Tomo Sakurai exhibition of original, Art Gallery SANAGI, Tokyo, Japan
2024 PANORAMA, Gallery Assistant at Atelier Natália Gromicho, Lisbon, Portugal
2023 Crossing Borders with ART 2023, DDD ART, Tokyo, Japan
Art Fair
2025 Marginal Art Fair, Fukushima, Japan
2022 FOCUS Art Fair Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
2021 ART FAIR TOKYO 2021, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo
2020 artTNZ produced by AFT with APCA, TERRADA ART COMPLEX II, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Yokohama College of Art Graduation Exhibition, Encouragement Award
2023 Aida Mitsuo Museum, Tokyo, Japan 2020 Korea Art Museum, Seoul
2024 Dedication of artwork, Reishizan Kounji Temple, Kyoto
2024 CHARES&KEATH, Public collection 2023 List Sotheby's, Event Exhibition
2023 Tokyo Tower Live Painting
|Artist statement
長野県生まれ。東京都在住。横浜美術大学卒業。10代の頃から絵を描くことで心身のバランスを取っており、 自らの表現行為を “芸術排泄”と呼んでいる。西洋と東洋の美術を融合させた技法を用い、無彩色を中心にコン トラスト(対比)の追求を行う。メソテース(中庸)を意識させることが制作理念である。 2022年カルーゼル・デュ・ルーヴル(フランス)での展示を機に、竹や喪服のアップサイクルと現代 アートを結びつけたコンセプチュアルアートを発表。国内外の美術館やパブリックな場所で展示を 行なっている。
2024 シュレーディンガーの幕 (Tokyo International Gallery、TERRADA ART COMPLEX II、東京)
2022 Y=(0.298912*R + 0.586611*G + 0.114478*B) (Amalgam Art Gallery 東急プラザ、東京)
2022 Accumulation (Faramarz Lounge & Gallery、東京)
2020 MONOCHROME2020 桜井智原画展 (Art Gallery サナギ、東京)
2024 PANORAMA (Gallery Assistant at Atelier Natália Gromicho、ポルトガル)
2023 Crossing Borders with ART 2023 (DDD ART、東京)
2023 漂流祝祭日 (横浜市民ギャラリー、神奈川)
2025 余白のアートフェア (二ツ沼総合公園、福島)
2022 FOCUS Art Fair 2022 in Paris (カルーゼル・デュ・ルーヴル、フランス)
2021 アートフェア東京2021 (東京国際フォーラム、東京)
2020 artTNZ produced by AFT with APCA (TERRADA ART COMPLEX II、東京)
2007 《横浜美術短期大学卒業展》奨励賞
2023 相田みつを美術館 (東京)
2020 韓国美術館 (ソウル)
2024 霊芝山光雲寺作品奉納 (京都)
2024 パブリックコレクション (CHARES&KEITH渋谷)
2023 リスト サザビーズイベント展示 (場所非公開)
2023 東京タワー ライブペイント (東京タワー地上150mメインデッキ)
サスティナブル × 現代アートプロジェクト
This is an attempt to embody "GOEN" itself, a sensory language that cannot be directly translated in foreign languages connected through artwork, from the perspective of sustainability and contemporary art. The first phase of the project will be an exhibition at several venues in Paris, the place of origin, in January 2024.
When I am silent, I fall into that place
Where everything is music
Today I have seen the works by contemporary artist Tomo Sakurai. It was an arranged meeting in the sunny winter day. I’m always happy to go out on the days like this. Everything was black and white, the simplicity of colors made me turn my attention to the texture, gradations, mysterious forms, that move, expend, sing in its own language. No, not language, they sing in silence. I always try to fill my wardrobe with colors and my days with music, and I guess I miss some other beautiful aspect of life.
Once I’ve heard that when you are sad it’s like the world looses it’s colors. Our emotions effect how we see the world, how we react, what we expect. But the world without colors, is it so bad? The world is just stripped out of it’s clothes and accessories, fancy perfumes and make up.
And what is left then? Just naked truth.
The truth that we are afraid to face. Some people is afraid to be alone for even sometime, because they don’t want to face themselves as they are. Imperfect, hurt maybe, but a beautiful human who can love, share joy, overcome challenges. The truth is very simple, colored in white and black.
Some people turn on TV just to avoid the silence, and not knowing that silence speaks more than any sounds. And black and white may express much more than any colors.
In the tarot deck there is a “Death” card, portraying a skeleton, but the meaning is not a death itself. The meaning is transformation and rebirth, facing the truth. Skeleton, without skin or muscles, nothing left but the truth.
If I keep writing I feel I will produce even more chaotic thoughts. Let me stop here with realization of something important and something still covered in mystery. I will stop right now and sit in silence facing noting else but the truth.